Welcome to the South Sudan National Environmental Information System Portal

Effective environmental management depends on a sound decision-making process including the formulation andimplementation of national policies, legislation, and projects.
Environmental information continues to suffer from many inconsistencies, gaps, and quality problems in SouthSudan. Difficulties in accessing and managing information range from data gaps, data inconsistency, politicalsensitivities, to deficiency in local capacities, data sharing concerns, among other reasons. Considerable amount ofenvironmental data and information are locked in the form of reports, books, maps, etc, a format that does notusually facilitate data and information sharing and exchange. The knowledge management systems overcome thesedrawbacks of data unavailability, non-accessibility, lack of harmonization and standardization, by using specializedinteractive environmental information portals, which constitute effective mechanisms for sound environmentalmanagement and decision support systems.Accordingly, the main objective of the South Sudan environmental knowledge platform is to enhance themanagement of environmental information and knowledge for use in decision-making, planning and reporting. Thesystem, which consists of five modules, will support environmental policy assessment and development in SouthSudan - with a focus on partnership, citizen's participation and shared information, as a basis of integrated environmental assessment, knowledge and action.
This tool will be supported by an extensive information technology infrastructure, to enable the crucial role ofsupporting data collection and development, citizen online interactive participation, and the dissemination ofinformation. The system will develop recommendations on improving data availability and on formulating keyenvironmental indicators. It aims at strengthening of coordination mechanisms and stakeholder engagement forthe Rio Conventions and monitor progress towards achieving relevant SDGs.

Shared environmental indicators information system (Environmental Indicators)

Mapping of South Sudan environmental and socio-economic data sources at the national, regional or global levels.This will help managing and access socio-economic/environmental data throughout various national agencies. This includesconducting a detailed analysis of existing environmental information systems and related hardware/ software's andskills-sets in the country, data sources and flows, indicators and reporting mechanisms related to the RioConventions and other MEAs in South Sudan. The different sector agencies and institutions will make their dataavailable on the shared environmental information system. This module is designated to manage and accessenvironmental data, and will make use of the existing CBD national Clearing House Mechanism. Roles andresponsibilities and protocols for data collection and sharing will be identified.

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State of the Environment Report System

The main objective of South Sudan interactive Module SS-SOERsis to give authors and reviewers access to all the relevant data, indicators, maps,photos or documents/references used in the development of the report in accordance with medium-term plan forimproving the role that environmental information plays in the implementation of the draft Vision 2040. The SS-SOERS system also supports the linkages between effective natural resources management and peace building. The systemconsists of 5 sub modules namely: authors module, reviewers' module, document/references module and multiplesearch module. The system encompasses a set of key environmental indicators to monitor South Sudan's sustainabledevelopment and the implementation of the SDGs and improving data and indicators for environmental management.

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Spatial Analysis

Use the state-of-the-art remote sensing and GIS capabilities in accordance with the National Spatial DataInfrastructure (NSDI), to analyse environmental data of South Sudan's changing environment and emergingenvironmental issues to inform decision makers of these changes and initiate actions to mitigate any negativeenvironmental impacts. The Module distribute the input data spatially on South Sudan base map, categorise and cluster data sets to produce info-maps ready to use for the state of the environment reporting.

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Sustainable Development Goals

South SudanSS-SDGs Interactive Module aims at fostering coherent integration of environmental dimensions of Sustainable Development Goals in national policy frameworks through capacity development for environmental data, statistics and reporting for strengthened science-policy nexus. It focuses on strengthening national capacities of tracking the progress achieved in national SDGs goals and targets. The objectives of South Sudan SDGs Interactive Portal are to be accomplished through targeted institutional capacity development for environmental data and statistics, as well as reporting and foresights on the state of their environment.

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Socio Economic

Enable ministries and other national agencies to upload their national statistics. It will identify the national reportingobligations and develop a searchable database of these documents including mechanisms related to the RioConventions and other MEAs utilized by line ministries and other relevant agencies conducted. National statisticswill be shared among all agencies to facilitate the reporting mechanisms. This module will assist in the developmentof building a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) for South Sudan.The system includes data validation process. National data need to be tested to decide whether they fulfill theirrequirements. Data have to be checked for correctness and for compliance with applicable standards, rules, andconventions. Validation is an important component of the system to assess the level of accuracy and precision interms of how realistic are the values of the presented data. This is undertaken through systematic checking of itsquality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) to ensure its reliability for its intended purpose. One of the objectivesof the validation process is to check whether the data collected by different monitoring systems in the country,organizations or research projects are not affected by errors. National and regional reporting systems will be linkedto the shared environmental information system with open access to information for all agencies.

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