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state of the environment report. Technical report No 47.
European Environment Agency (1999). A checklist for state of the
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Pintér, L., K. Zahedi and D. Cressman. (2000) Capacity building for
integrated environmental assessment and reporting. Training manual.
Second edition. Winnipeg: IISD for UNEP
UNEP, IISD, Ecologist International (2000). Capacity Building for
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Reporting. Training Manual.
Second edition.
UNEP (2004). SWOT Analysis and evaluation of the GEO-3 process from
the perspective of GEO Collaborating Centres.
UNEP (2004). Methodology for the preparation or GEO Cities reports.
UNEP (2004). Guidelines for National Integrated Environmental
Assessment Report in Africa.
UNEP-UN HABITAT (1998). The Sustainable Cities Programme Process
UN HABITAT (2002). Herramientas para una gesti?n urbana
participativa. Colecci?n de Manuales. Ediciones SUR.
UN HABITAT-UNEP (2000). “Integrating gender responsive
environmental planning and management.”
UN-HABITAT-UNEP (1999). “Institutionalizing environmental planning
and management process.”
World Bank. “Gender analysis.”
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