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Table of Contents
Definition of Key Terms 3
List of Acronyms 7
9-12 December, 2013 Course Materials 10
1. Introduction and learning objectives
2. Relevance
3. Characteristics of Vulnerability and Scope of the Assessment
3.1 Defining vulnerability 16
3.2 Vulnerability to climate change 17
3.3 Defining the scope of the assessment 21
4. Vulnerability Assessments and the DPSIR Framework 22
5. Monitoring Vulnerability 27
6. Impacts of Climate Change and their Assessment 31
7. Creating Responses: Determining the adaptation options 45
7.1 Mainstreaming climate change into development decisions 45
7.2 Developing adaptation responses 48
8. Prioritizing Adaptation Responses 55
9. Developing a Basic Implementation Plan and a Communication Strategy 61
9.1 Implementing adaptation responses 61
9.2 Communicating climate change and adaptation 66
References 68
Appendix 71
A. Setting IEA in the context of existing UNFCCC processes 71
B. Facilitator’s preparation guide 72
C. Suggestions for integrating vulnerability, climate change and adaptation into 78
IEA process
2 Volume Two - Themes
Vulnerability and Impact assessments for Adaption to Climate Change (VIA Module)