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List of Indicators
2.1.2-Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
2.4.1-Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture
2.5.1-Number of plant and animal genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long-term conservation facilities
2.5.2-Proportion of local breeds classified as being at risk, not-at-risk or at unknown level of risk of extinction (GDP)
6.3.1-Proportion of wastewater safely treated
6.3.2-Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality
6.4.2-Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources
6.5.1-Degree of integrated water resources management implementation (0-100)
6.5.2-Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation
6.6.1-Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time
7.2.1-Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
12.4.2-Hazardous waste generated per capita and proportion of hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment
12.5.1-National recycling rate, tons of material recycled
13.2.1-Number of countries that have communicated the establishment or operationalization of an integrated policy/strategy/plan which increases their ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change, and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development in a manner that does not threaten food production (including a national adaptation plan, nationally determined contribution, national communication, biennial update report or other)
13.3.1-Number of countries that have integrated mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning into primary, secondary and tertiary curricula
13.3.2-Number of countries that have communicated the strengthening of institutional, systemic and individual capacity-building to implement adaptation, mitigation and technology transfer, and development actions
14.2.1-Proportion of national exclusive economic zones managed using ecosystem-based approaches
14.4.1-Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels
14.5.1-Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas
14.6.1-Progress by countries in the degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
14.B.1-Progress by countries in the degree of application of a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small-scale fisheries
15.1.1-Forest area as a proportion of total land area
15.1.2-Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type
15.2.1-Progress towards sustainable forest management
15.3.1-Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area
15.4.1-Coverage by protected areas of important sites for mountain biodiversity
15.5.1-Red List Index
15.6.1-Number of countries that have adopted legislative, administrative and policy frameworks to ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits
15.7.1-Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked
15.8.1-Proportion of countries adopting relevant national legislation and adequately resourcing the prevention or control of invasive alien species
15.9.1-Progress towards national targets established in accordance with Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
15.A.1-Official development assistance and public expenditure on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems
15.B.1-Official development assistance and public expenditure on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems
15.C.1-Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked
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