Page 9 - South Africa Report
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provide ecosystem services. Sea level rise is threatening about a third of coastal developments that
                    are within 100m of the shoreline (WWF ocean facts).

                      The effects of climate change in South Africa

                      •  Sea temperature changes                                                                        Country Profile
                      •  The occurrence and degree of coral bleaching events is increasing                                 The Republic of South Africa
                      •  Rising sea levels
                      •  Coastal erosion linked to the increased frequency and severity of weather events
                      •  Growing vulnerability of the 17 per cent coastal development within 100m of the shoreline
                      •  Social, ecological and economic impacts due to the shifting range of rock lobster and small
                         pelagic fish

                                                                                             Source: (Scholes et al. 2015)

                    The opportunity
                    Marine governance

                    The policy environment of South Africa has its backbone on NEMA (No 107 of 1998. It is the principal
                    platform that all decisions pertaining to SDG 14. Decisions relating to conservation, sustainability of
                    resources, land, degradation, biodiversity and equitable resource use. Under the umbrella framework
                    of NEMA in South Africa several governance systems have been created which include the following

                     Table 1: Overview of the legal framework

                     Integrated Coastal     It is the principal law for the management and governance of coastal environment.
                     Management Act (ICM)   Targets 14.1 (management of land-based activities of the coastal zone) and Target
                     No 24 of 2008          14.2  (application  of  ecosystems-based  approach)  are  relevant.  Management  of
                                            saltmarshes in estuaries are required by this act.
                     Biodiversity Act (NEMBA)  Implements the 1997 white Paper and south Africa commitment to the Convection on
                     No. 10 of 2004         Biological Diversity (CBD). Through NEMBA, the South Africa National Biodiversity
                                            Institute (SABI) is mandated to champion terrestrial and marine biodiversity and
                                            management of protected areas.
                                            National  Biodiversity  Strategy  and  Action  plan  (NBSAP)  2015-2025.  Aiming  at
                                            Target 14.2 and 14.5 (coastal and marine ecosystems)
                     National Environmental   Aligned to SDG Target 14.5. The conservation of protected areas. Also supports
                     Management Protected   the conservation of soil, water and biodiversity. The Act provides for the protection
                     Areas Act (NEMPA) No.   and conservation of protected areas. Supported by National Integrated Strategy
                     52 of 2003             to Combat Wildlife Trafficking (NISCWT): addresses issues illegal, unreported or
                                            harvesting of marine resources. Corresponding to Target 14.5 and 14.6

                     Protected Areas Act    The Act provides for conservation, management, sustainable and equitable use of
                                            marine resources.
                     South Africa National   The ecological conservation of estuaries (and salt marshes therein) before
                     Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) extraction of freshwaters.

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