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                                 List of Acronyms

                          ADB                African Development Bank
                          AEIN               African Environment Information Network
                          AEO                Africa Environment Outlook
                          AIT                Asian Institute of Technology                                         Abu Dhabi, UAE
                          AMCEN              African Ministerial Conference on the Environment
                          AMU                Arab Maghreb Union
                          CILSS              Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel
                          CONACYT            Public Research Center System of the National Science and
                                             Technology Council (Mexico)
                          DEWA               Division of Early Warning and Assessment
                          ECOWAS States      Economic Community of West African
                          GC/ GMEF           Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum
                          GEO                Global Environment Outlook
                          IEA                Integrated Environmental Assessment
                          IGAD               Intergovernmental Authority on Development
                          IISD               International Institute for Sustainable Development
                          IOC                Indian Ocean Commission
                          MA                 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
                          MZMC               Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City
                          NEC                National Environment Council (Bhutan)
                          NEPAD              New Partnership for African Development
                          NORAD              Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation
                          OAU                Organization of African Unity
                          ROA                Regional Office for Africa
                          ROLAC              Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
                          SACEP              South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme
                          SADC               Southern African Development Community
                          SERI               Sustainable Europe Research Institute
                          SoE                State of the Environment
                          UNECA              United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
                          UNDP               United Nations Development Programme
                          UNEP               United Nations Environment Programme
                          UNGA               United Nations General Assembly
                          WSSD               World Summit on Sustainable Development

                          IEA Training Manual   Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT)    3
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