Page 62 - Module_4_en
P. 62
Module Table 2: CSD Theme indicator framework from the UN Division for Sustainable
4 Theme Sub-theme Indicator Core indicator
Development, 3nd Edition (2007)
Biodiversity Ecosystem Proportion of terrestrial area protected, total and by ecological Yes
9-12 December, 2013 Species Fragmentation of habitat Yes
Management effectiveness of protected areas
Area of selected key ecosystems
Abundance of selected key species
Proportion of species threatened by extinction
Invasive species
Investment share in GDP
Savings rate
ment Macroeconomic GDP per capita Yes
Adjusted net savings rate
Sustainable Debt to GNI ratio Yes
public finance
Employment Labor productivity and unit labor costs Yes
Employment-population ratio, by sex Yes
Employment status, by sex
Share of women in wage employment in the nonagricultural Yes
Information and Internet users per 100 population Yes
communication Fixed telephone lines per 100 population
technologies Mobile cellular telephone subscribers per 100 population
Research and R&D expenditure as percentage of GDP
Tourism Tourism contribution to GDP Yes
Global Trade Current account deficit as percentage of GDP Yes
economic Share of imports from developing countries and from LDCs
Partnership Average tariff barriers imposed on exports from developing
countries and LDCs
External Total Official Development Assistance (ODA) given or Yes
financing received as a percentage of GNI
FDI inflows and outflows as percentage of GNI
Remittances as percentage of GNI
Consump- Material Material intensity of the economy Yes
tion and consumption Domestic material consumption
patterns Energy use Annual energy consumption per capita, total and by main user Yes
Share of renewable energy sources in total energy supply Yes
Intensity of energy use, total and by sector
60 Monitoring, Data and Indicators