Page 63 - Module_4_en
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Table 2: CSD Theme indicator framework from the UN Division for Sustainable
Development, 3nd Edition (2007) 4
Theme Sub-theme Indicator Core indicator
Consump- Waste generation Generation of waste Yes
tion and and management Management of radioactive waste
production Waste treatment and disposal
Transportation Car share of inland passenger transportation Yes
Road share of inland freight transport Abu Dhabi, UAE
Energy intensity of transport
Identifying indicators and data sets
Let’s consider a fictional country that will be called “GEOland.” You are part of the team
charged with setting up the first IEA reporting process for this country.
Step 1
As a group, develop a list of short themes required to develop the assessment report.
Prioritize the themes according what might be most relevant for GEOland at this time. Form
smaller groups, and assign each group a theme.
Step 2
In sub-groups, prepare a list of issues related to the theme of your group.
Step 3
Set up a table to help you organize your thoughts, such as in the following example.
Theme Sub-theme Indicator Core indicator
Step 4
Identify indicators that correspond to each issue. Begin by brainstorming a larger list, and
then narrow down your list using the indicator criteria listed in Section 4.1. Indicate whether
the indicator is a driver, pressure, state, impact or response in the DPSIR framework.
IEA Training Manual Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) 61