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                       Figure 12: Human development index - 2011

                                Human      Life expectancy   Average years   Expected average   GNI per Capita  GNI per   Non income   4
                                development   at birth (years)   of schooling   years of schooling   (PPP US$ for   capita rank   related HDI-
                                index (HDI)           (years)    (years)     2005)      minus HDI   value
                                value                                                   rank
                   HDI rank     2011       2011       2011a      2011a       2011       2011      2011
                   High Human
                   Switzerland  0.903      82.3       11.0b      15.6        39 924     0         0.926            Abu Dhabi, UAE
                   Japan        0.901      83.4       11.6b      15.1        32 295     11        0.94
                   Hong kong    0.898      82.8       10         15.7        44 805     -4        0.91
                   Iceland      0.898      81.8       10.4       18          29 354     11        0.943

                   Korea        0.897      80.6       11.6b      16.9        28 203     12        0.945
                   Denmark      0.895      78.8       11.4b      16.9        34 347     3         0.926

                   Environmental Performance Index

                   The Environmental Performance Index, released in 2006 by The Yale Center for Environmental Policy

                   and Law, measures policy performance towards two goals: reducing environmental stresses on human
                   health and promoting ecosystem vitality and sound natural resource management. Sixteen indicators
                   express six categories of commonly agreed-upon policy categories: Environmental Health, Air Quality,
                   Water Resources, Productive Natural Resources, Biodiversity and Habitat, and Sustainable Energy (Yale
                   Center for Environmental Policy and Law et al., 2006). The index framework is shown in Figure 12.

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