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                       B = Urgent adaptation options for which communities needed assistance from the
                       C = Adaptation options that were less important/urgent

                       D = Adaptation options for which there was no need or willingness to implement
                       Type B adaptation options were then allocated to the responsible ministries.
            9-12 December, 2013  The adaptation options derived from the national consultation were then divided into five
                       2. Assessment of response required

                       categories, according to the nature of the response: (i) changes to government policies and
                       strategies; (ii) changes to laws and regulations; (iii) interaction of extension and information
                       with communities; (iv) formal adaptation investments and engineering works by government,
                       island councils and contractors; and (v) informal adaptation investments by communities

                       3. Implementation of adaption options into ministries’ operational plans
                       The adaptation priorities were then circulated to all the relevant ministries. Those judged
                       to be relevant and consistent with ministerial strategies were identified for funding under
                       specific government programs and matched by external funding at 50 per cent. Urgent
                       adaptation measures implementable by communities alone are expected to be supported

                       through a small grants program.

                       Adaptation option  Type of     Priority   Lead     Applicable program in ministerial
                                          response    category  ministries  operational plans
                           ? Awareness    Extension   B        MELAD      MCTTD – Provision of
                           ? Awareness raising   information   MCTTD      meteorological information
                          about climate                        MEYS       to users MEYS – Curriculum
                          change                                          development
                           ? Water resources  Formal   B       MPWU       MPWU – Water Engineering
                                          engineering                     Unit Design Rehabilitation and a
                           ? Protect water
                          wells           and                             of Water Systems in the Outer
                           ? Assess and locate   works  B      MPWU
                          available water
                           ? Water pumps and          B        MPWU
                          pipes to link good
                          sources with
                          settlement areas
                           ? Installation of          B        MPWU
                          freshwater tanks

                    64       Volume Two - Themes
                             Vulnerability and Impact assessments for Adaption to Climate Change (VIA Module)
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71