Page 10 - Mozambique Report
P. 10
A study in Quelimane, the administrative capital
of the Zambezia Province, comparing the
benefits from constructing an earthen dike versus
mangrove restoration for storm protection,
found that although the mangrove accorded
higher storm protection in addition to the carbon
sequestration and fish production. Although
Country Profile
sensitive to the carbo
Action for endangered species
In order to reduce incidents on endangered species, there is a need to conduct research on the
The Republic of Mozambique
selective and environmentally sound fishing gears. More investigation and research on the restoration
of the ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass beds and coral reefs. An assessment to be carried
out on the populations of dugong, their distribution and trends in Bazaruto Bay, southern Quirimba
Archipelago and Maputo Bay by installation of tracking systems in place like satellites. However,
there are some mitigation measures in place to reduce marine mammal by-catch. Marine mammals
(whales and dolphins) are an internationally protected species and as per Mozambique’s Forests and
Wildlife Regulation (Decree 12/2002 of 6 June) catching, touching, killing, feeding or disturbing
marine mammals is prohibited.
Conserve coastal and marine areas
Currently MPA cover a total area of about 20,462km of which 8,633km encompass the marine
ecosystem. According to the new Biodiversity Conservation Law (Law 16/2014 of 20 June) conservation
areas in Mozambique should be classified as Total Conservation Areas, where the extraction of
natural resources is not allowed and Sustainable Use Conservation Areas where a certain level of
natural resources extraction is allowed but subject to a Management Plan.
Target 14.5: Conserve coastal and marine areas
UN definition: By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with
national and international law and based on the best available scientific information.
Status: The average proportion of marine key biodiversity areas covered by protected areas was
66.13% more than double the area in 2011.
Source: (UN Stats 2019)
The different categories of Marine Protected Areas in Mozambique include Partial Reserves (e.g. Ponta
do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve); National Parks (e.g. Bazaruto Archipelago National Park and the
Quirimbas National Park); Environmental Protection Areas (Primeiras and Segundas Environmental
Protection Area); and the Total Protection Zones (Cabo de S?o Sebasti?o Total Protection Zone). The
terminology and classification of current MPAs are updated according to the new system put in place
by the Biodiversity Conservation Law (Law 16/2014 of 20 June).