Page 6 - Seychelles Report
P. 6

The Republic of Seychelles

                 Key country indicators

                 The Republic of Seychelles is an archipelago consisting of 115 tropical islands consisting of mainly
        Country Profile
                 granitic  islands  and  coralline  islands  (ASCLME,  2012).  Approximately  98,000  people  live  in
                 Seychelles, making it the least populated country in Africa (DESA, 2019). The country has a total
                 land mass area of about 460 square kilometres and a GDP of $ 1.4 billion (World Bank Group,
          The Republic of Seychelles
                 Marine resources
                 Seychelles has a series of continental shelves covering   Population      980,000
                 almost 50,000 square kilometres (ASCLME, 2012).
                 The country significantly depends on fisheries and   GDP (US $)           1.4 billion
                 tourism.  The  fisheries  sector  provides  direct  and   GNI (US $)
                 indirect  employment  contributing  about  7.7  per   Total land area     460 km 2
                 cent  of  GDP.  Similarly,  tourism  offers  employment   Length of coastline  2,470 km
                 opportunities and contributes more than 25% to the
                 GDP (ASCLME, 2012).                                Exclusive Economic Zone  1.3
                                                                    Continental shelf      50,000 km 2
                 Seychelles’  coastal  habitat  consists  of  fisheries,   Mangrove
                 mangroves,  coral  reefs,  salt  marshes  and  sea
                 grass  beds.                                       Coral reef
                                                                    Marine protected area
                 Ecosystem management and conservation                                      Source: (World Bank, 2017)
                 The challenge

                 The  on-going  coastal  development  and  climate
                 change  pose  the  greatest  risk  to  sustainable
                 ecosystem  management  and  conservation.
                 For  instance,  an  increase  in  sea  level  as  result
                 of  climate  change  has  resulted  into  flooding  of
                 the  mangrove  areas;  and  coastal  development
                 has witnessed the degradation of the mangrove
                 ecosystem. Other challenges include: population
                 pressure  and  the  conversion  of  mangrove  for
                 aquaculture  and  tourism  infrastructure.

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