Page 10 - Seychelles Report
P. 10
Reducing pollution
Pollution of the coastal zone originates from both offshore and inland sources. This ranges from
the dumping of plastics at the beach to large spillage of oil in the sea by oil tankers. Other forms
consist of the wash down of sediment from construction sites and farms into the water. Seychelles
has endeavoured to reduce marine pollution through its Environment Protection Act 2016. The Act
addresses the issue of coastal pollution by introducing fines imposed on polluters. The money collected
as fines is deposited in the Environment Trust Fund (ETF) to be used for paying for cleaning cost.
Country Profile
Establishing marine protected areas
Seychelles is on the right path to ensure sustainable management and protection of the marine ecosystem.
The Republic of Seychelles
Seychelles has proposed designate almost 30% of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as marine protected
areas. The Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is spearheading this proposal, which will establish Seychelles as
a frontrunner in ensuring marine conservation. Seychelles projects to establish effective governance and
institutional structure necessary for the implementation of the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). Currently,
about 1% of Seychelles’ territorial water is categorized as marine protected area.
Improving marine governance
Marine governance in Seychelles has come a long way. As early as 1990 Seychelles had already
began working on its Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) planning. Recent development
such as participation in the Nairobi Convention has seen the revision of Seychelles Environment
Protection Act in 2016.
Table 1: Overview of the legal framework
Environment Protection Act: This Objectives: It is the principal law on environmental protection,
Act was adopted in 1992 and revised including overseeing the sustainable management and conservation
in 2016. of the coastal zones.
Beach Control Act: The Act was Objectives: It is responsible for the preservation of the seashores.
adopted in 1971 It also mandates the minister the powers to make regulations that
prevent danger to any seashore user.
Removal of Sand and Gravel Act: Objectives: The Act prohibits the illegal abstraction of sand and gravel.
The Act was adopted in 1991 It provides license for permission to abstract sand and gravel.
Land Reclamation Act Objectives
The Act control land reclamation through issuing licenses and
permission for necessary for land reclamation projects.
Seychelles Coastal Management The Plan aims at:
Plan: The Plan was adopted in 2019 • Reducing effects of coastal hazards
in conjunction with the World Bank and • Preventing coastal risk by monitoring coastal development
the Ministry of Environment, Energy and • Harnessing the coastal ecosystem
Climate Change of Seychelles. • Promoting awareness
• Promoting capacity building in institutions.
Blue Economy Road Map: The Objectives: Seeks to develop the blue economy through innovation and
Road Map was approved in 2018 conservation of the marine ecosystem.
Furthers the objective national and international legal frameworks on
marine ecosystem