Page 12 - Seychelles Report
P. 12
The situation
The f?shing sector
Fish capture in Seychelles has been fluctuating over the years. While the effort in improving fishing
technique is conspicuously evident, the same is not reflected in the capture.
The industrial fisheries is a prime income earner in Seychelles alongside tourism. The three main
segments composing the sector are artisanal fishery, semi-industrial fisheries and industrial fisheries.
Country Profile
Foreign owned long-liners and purse seiners mostly conduct the latter while locals are engaged in
artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries.
The Republic of Seychelles
Artisanal f?shery Semi-industrial f?sheries Industrial f?sheries
Species Species Specie
Lutjanidae Xiphias gladius (swordfish) Tuna and tuna like species.
serranidae Thunnus obesus (big eye tuna)
Carangidae Thunnus albacares (yellowfin tuna)
Traditional wooden pirogues Monofilament longline Purse seine
Long liners
Source: (Seychelles Fishing Authority, 2019)
Fishing by purse seiners has been fluctuating over the years. Between 2006 and 2009, the average
licensed vessels in the Seychelles’ EEZ was 57 vessels per year. The number of licensed vessel dropped
by 11 and further by 30% in 2010 and 2011 respectively. In 2015 the figure increased by 13%, from
44 to 49 vessels, and remained the same in 2016 (Seychelles Fishing Authority, 2016).
The average industrial long liners licensed in 2006 was about 292. The number hit rock bottom in
2010 at 65. In 2013 the average was recorded at 174 and decreased to 148 in 2014 (Seychelles
Fishing Authority, 2016).