Page 17 - Seychelles Report
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ASCLME 2012. National Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analysis, Seychelles. Contribution to the Agulhas and Somalia
Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (supported by UNDP with GEF grant financing).
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division 2019. World Population Prospects,
Volume I: Comprehensive Tables.
World Bank Group, 2017. The Little Green Data Book: World Development Indicators, 2017. Country Profile
MoFTI&EP, 2019. Department of Economic Planning Ministry of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning.
Seychelles National Development Strategy 2019-2023. The Republic of Seychelles
World Bank and Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change of Seychelles, 2019. Seychelles Coastal Management
Plan: 2019-2024. Washington, DC: World Bank; Victoria, Seychelles: Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate
Change of Seychelles.
Seychelles Fishing Authority, 2016. Fisheries Statistical Report, Semester 1. SFA/FSR/05.
Seychelles Fishing Authority, 2019. Available at:
Seychelles Vision 2033.