Page 93 - Module_4_en
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                          A   Continuation of GEO Core Indicator Matrix

                          Theme      Issue      Potential data variables  Proposed key and lead                    Abu Dhabi, UAE
                          1          2          3                         4
                          Biodiversity  Wildlife     ? Trade in flora and fauna     ? Net trade in wildlife and
                          (continued   trade       (birds, reptiles, plants,   captive-bred.species
                          from Table               mammals, butterflies,
                          1)                       ornamental fish)
                                     Overfishing    ? Total inland, fresh water     ? Total and per capita marine
                                                   and marine fish catch,    fish catch
                                                   production, consumption     ? Total fish catch in inland
                                                   and trade                 waters (incl. aquaculture)

                                     Protected      ? National, international and     ? Total protected areas
                                     areas         local parks and protected   (number, size) and % of total
                                                   areas: Biosphere reserves   land
                                                   (terr. and marine), Wetlands     ? Marine protected areas in
                                                   of international importance,   LMEs
                                                   World heritage sites

                          Freshwater  Freshwater     ? Annual internal renewable     ? Annual internal renewable
                                     resources     water resources           water resource per capita
                                                   ? Annual internal renewable     ? Annual freshwater use per
                                                   water resources by basin  capita
                                                   ? Annual freshwater use by     ? Population with water stress
                                                   sector (domestic, industry,
                                                   agric., following ISIC classes)
                                                   ? Annual groundwater
                                                   ? Annual groundwater
                                                   withdrawals by sector
                                     Water         ? River pH, concentrations     ? BOD level of most
                                     quality       of oxygen (DO, BOD),      important rivers
                                                   coliforms, particulates (TSS,     ? Nitrates level of most
                                                   TDS), nitrates (NO3, NH4,   important rivers
                                                   NP), phosphor (PO4),
                                                   metals (HMs), pesticides

                          IEA Training Manual   Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT)   91
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