Page 98 - Module_4_en
P. 98

Module      Theme        Issue         Potential data variables    Proposed key and lead indicators
       4           1            2             3   ? Motor vehicles in use (per   4   ? Road traffic intensity per unit of

                   (incl. health)               000 people), by type of     GDP
                                                 ? Total length of motor ways
            9-12 December, 2013                  ? Road traffic intensity per unit
                                                (000 km)
                                                 ? Density of motor ways
                                                (km/10 000 km )
                                                of GDP (vehicle km/US$)
                                                 ? Number of departures and
                                                arrivals (airports)
                                                 ? Energy consumption by road
                                                transport (% share of total

                                Agriculture      ? Agricultural production index    ? Use of nitrogen on agric. Land
                                and livestock    ? Food production index     ? Use of phosphate on agric. Land
                                                 ? Pesticide consumption     ? Use of pesticides on agric. Land
                                                (tonnes)                     ? Agricultural production value added
                                                 ? Fertilizer use (000 kg)
                                                 ? Livestock units (000 head)

                                Human health  ? Population below poverty     ? % of total population access to safe
                                and well-being  line, urban and rural, by sex  drinking water
                                                 ? % pop with access to safe     ? % of total population access to
                                                drinking water, urban and rural  sanitation services
                                                 ? % pop with access to      ? No. of people per physician (000)
                                                sanitation services, urban and     ? Infant mortality rate (per 1000
                                                rural                       births)
                                                 ? No. of people per physician,     ? Caloric intake per capita
                                                per hospital bed             ? % of GDP spent for health services
                                                 ? No. of people with access to     ? Mortality caused by  respiratory
                                                health services             infection
                                                 ? Government expenditures on     ? Mortality caused by  communicable
                                                health services             diseases
                                                 ? Calories supply, total and from     ? Disability-Adjusted Life Years
                                                animal food                 (DALYs)
                                                 ? Available calories as % of
                                                 ? Malnutrition in children under
                                                five years
                                                 ? Average life expectancy, by
                                                 ? Crude death rate
                                                 ? Infant mortality rate

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