Page 95 - Module_4_en
P. 95
Theme Issue Potential data variables Proposed key and lead indicators
1 2 3 4 4
Coastal and Coastal ? Average annual sediment load ? Average annual sediment load
marine areas and Marine ? Average annual untreated ? Average annual untreated waste
pollution waste disposal by sector disposal by sector (dom./ind./agric.,
(dom. ind. and agric. fertilizers, pesticides/ insecticides)
– fertilizers, pesticides/ ? % of urban population living in
insecticides) coastal areas
? Discharge of oil into coastal ? Area of Exclusive Economic Zone Abu Dhabi, UAE
waters (000 tonne) (EEZ)
? Concentrations of HMs (Hg,
Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co)
? Concentration of PCBs
? Industrial activities in coastal
? Share of pollution caused by
sector (domestic, industrial,
urban, coastal, transport,
? Coastal population (growth,
urban share)
? Tourist arrival in coastal
marine areas (million/year)
? Number of hotels/resorts in
coastal areas (000)
Disasters Natural ? Occurrences, financial ? Total number of natural disasters p/y
disasters damage and casualties ? Number of people killed by natural
(people affected, homeless, disasters, per mln
injured, killed) related to ? Economic loss due to natural
floods, droughts, cyclones, disasters
earthquakes, landslides,
volcanic eruptions, forest fires
Human- ? Occurrences, financial damage ? Total number of techn. accidents p/ y
induced and casualties (people ? Total number of people affected by
disasters affected, homeless, injured, technological accidents
killed) related to transport ? Economic loss due to techn.
and industrial accidents accidents
Urban areas Urbanization ? Urban population, total, ? Average annual urban population
growth rate growth rate
? Number of cities with over
750 000 population
IEA Training Manual Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) 93