Page 31 - Module_5_en
P. 31
The issues important for any given state-and-trend environment analysis can be identified using a Module
combination of methods. A good list often can be identified from a brainstorming session among IEA
participants. The more diverse the group of participants, the more comprehensive the list of issues. 5
Some of the methods for developing a list of important environmental issues include:
? Brainstorming in a multi-stakeholder group and breakout groups.
? Multiple expert and stakeholder consultations (smaller groups than above).
? Surveys of individual experts and stakeholders by e-mail, telephone or regular mail. Abu Dhabi, UAE
? Review of relevant literature.
Please note that these approaches are not mutually exclusive.
Form groups of 4-5, and carry out the following tasks:
? Discuss and note key specific environmental issues related to the state-and-trends of the
environment in your country (can be based on your homework assignment on DPSIR
? Assign specific environmental issues to general categories (following the table below).
? How many distinctly different themes did your group identify? How many specific state-
and-trends of the environment issues? Can some of the specific issues under a given
theme be expressed as a single issue?
Priority environmental issue General theme
IEA Training Manual Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) 29