Page 13 - Madagascar Report
P. 13
Coastal erosion
The opportunity
Rehabilitate mangrove forests Country Profile
Healthy shoreline vegetation such as mangroves and other wetland vegetation are useful in buffering The Republic of Madagascar
the shoreline, reducing coastal erosion and keeping sand from being swept away by high waves.
They also provide natural flood defense’s and protect against sea-level rise. There is also need to
rehabilitate the built infrastructure such as sea-walls and groynes. The natural and built infrastructure
work in tandem to help strengthen and protect the vulnerable settlements giving the communities a
better chance of building their resilience.
Livelihood diversif?cation
One way of increasing community resilience to climate change impacts is to diversify the local
livelihoods. Some of these activities could include improved agricultural and aquaculture techniques,
improved seeds, diversification of crops so as to ensure income generation and food security.
Increasing resilience by investing in public health
Investing in public health is an opportunity that must be explored as it can help to reduce the
populations vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Some actions that can be taken include
livelihood diversification, enhancing food security and other social safety nets and improving living
standards. For example, improve access to basic services such as water and sanitation, ensuring that
housing is built of materials that can withstand the strong climate events can help make households
more resilient to climate impacts. Already public health interventions in food security and malaria
control have led to a decrease in malaria and malnutrition in Morondava and Antananarivo.