Page 130 - Module_5_en
P. 130
Module Table 8: Policy Narrative Sheet
5 Describe the Environmental Issue in terms of indicator trends for the State and key Driving forces, Pressures
and Impacts.
? Recharge dam building
? Public awareness
9-12 December, 2013 Most of these policies/projects affecting directly the driving forces and pressures
? Water metering project
What are the key policy gaps?
? Is a policy type under represented (economic, regulatory, expenditure, institutional policy instruments)
? Are policies not focusing on key Driving forces, Pressures, the State, or the Impacts?
? Are relevant policies missing?
The key policy gap was recognized on the economic and institutional instruments. More institutional
improvement is needed and More enforcement of the policies is needed in monitoring and penalties of
violations also the public awareness programs need more improvements in terms of quantity and quality.
What are the key policy inter-linkages and are they positive or negative?
Desalination plant installation seems to give good improvement of the state, however more concern should
be taken to the disposal rejected water effluent. Same things happened in the increasing STP capacity in case
of overloaded.
What are some of the key policy success stories?
The combination of Ministry of water resources with the Ministry of regional municipalities and environment
enhanced the efforts of groundwater pollution monitoring, pollution studies, and data/information transfer.
However there are still a need for more cooperation between Water resources sector and environmental
What improvements are necessary for the current mix of policy instruments influencing this
environmental issue to improve their overall effectiveness?
There is a need to modify the responsibilities and remove all conflicts between all sectors dealing with
groundwater such as water Resources, municipalities, environment, irrigation and electricity and water. There
is a big need for more cooperation between the regulatory parts of groundwater with al stockholders. The
environmental agency should be provided by more power to enforce the regulations.
128 Integrated Analysis of Environmental Trends and Policies