Page 127 - Module_5_en
P. 127
Table 7: Action-Impact Matrix (AIM)
Action/Policy Main Objective Impact on key sustainable development issues 5
Water quality Water Human Sea water Ecosystem
degradation quantity health Intrusion and
degradation Salinization
Recharge dam control seawater (-L)
building intrusion and Abu Dhabi, UAE
improvement of (+++H) downstream
GW quality and surface flow
quantity is reduced
Public awareness GW protection
(quality and (+L)
quantity) More improvement is needed
Water metering Abstraction
project control to (+L)
improve GW
quantity It is still in early stage
---H --M -L +L ++M +++H
High negative Medium Low negative Low positive Medium positive High positive
IEA Training Manual Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) 125