Page 129 - Module_5_en
P. 129
Table 8: Policy Narrative Sheet
Describe the Environmental Issue in terms of indicator trends for the State and key Driving forces, Pressures 5
and Impacts.
The impacts on the human and ecosystem can be categorized as:
? Reduced the quantity of freshwater and getting alternative source with higher cost and not sustainable
? Expected health effect to human and livestock
? High groundwater and soil treatment cost Abu Dhabi, UAE
? Land degradation and reduced income from crops
? Reduced properties/farms value
? Citizen migration and social conflicts
? Expected threats to ecosystems and habitats
? Lost the recreational value of water and eco-tourism.
? Expected social transformation from rural to urban city
? Sea water Intrusion and Salinization
How effective is the policy mix which currently influences the environmental State and the key Driving forces,
Pressures and Impacts (compare indicator data to targets or benchmarks)?
To overcome this problem, several responses have been taken in terms of policies and projects. There
? RD82/88, Water Resources as a National Treasure
? RD29/2000, Law on protection of water resources
? RD14/2001, Law on conservation of the environment and prevention of pollution.
? RD29/2001, the Statistical Law
? RD15/2001, Law on protection of sources of potable water from pollution
? MD13/95, Registration of existing wells, new well permits and Organization of wells and aflaj.
? MD193/2001, for Wadi Ma’awil wellfield protection zones.
? MD421/1998, Regulations for septic tanks, soak-away pits and holding tanks
? MD18/1993, Regulations for the management of hazardous waste.
? MD17/1993, Regulations for the management of Non Hazardous Waste
? MD145/1993, Regulation of wastewater reuse and discharge
? MD200/2000, Regulations for crushers, quarries and removal of sand from shores, beaches and wadis
? National Population Policy
? Birth spreading program
? Increasing STP capacity
? Desalination plant installation
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