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4.2 Action-Impact Matrix (AIM)                                                             Module

                         Table 7    Action-Impact Matrix (AIM)

                                                                                                                   Abu Dhabi, UAE

                   Action/Policy       Main Objective   Impact on key sustainable development issues

                                                        Water quality  Water   Human  Sea water   Ecosystem
                                                        degradation  quantity   health  Intrusion and
                                                                    degradation      Salinization

                   National Population   Population control
                   Policy              to reduce waste
                   RD29/2001, the      Population control
                   Statistical Law     to reduce waste   The effect of population policies is a long term
                                       discharge                         presses
                   Birth spreading     Population control
                   program             and reduce waste

                   RD82/88, Water      GW protection
                   Resources as a      (quality and
                   National Treasure   quantity)
                   RD29/2000, Law on   GW protection
                   protection of water   (quality and
                   resources           quantity)

                   RD14/2001, Law      GW protection                                              (+++H)
                   on conservation of   (quality and
                   the environment     quantity)
                   and prevention of
                   pollution.                                            (+M)
                   RD15/2001, Law on   GW protection       More institutional improvement is needed
                   protection of sources   (quality and
                   of potable water from  quantity)

                   MD13/95, Registration  Abstraction
                   of existing wells, new   control to
                   well permits and    improve GW
                   Organization of wells   quality and
                   and aflaj.          quantity

                   MD193/2001, Wadi    GW protection
                   Ma’awil WPZ         (quality and

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