Page 92 - Module_5_en
P. 92
Module Example
9-12 December, 2013 Basin of Canada
Policy instruments directed at water quality improvements in the Red River
Policy instruments directed at water quality improvements in the Red River Basin of Canada
For the example involving the Red River in central Canada, STATE of water quality data
reveals a trend toward increasing nutrient concentrations in the river, which flows into Lake
Winnipeg. One of the drivers is nutrient loading into the river from agricultural fields, and
from sewage and storm water discharges from towns and cities along the Red River.
There are two strategy level documents which cite relevant targets for the nutrient loading
pressure. The Canada-Manitoba Agriculture Policy Framework Implementation Agreement
cites a 12 per cent reduction target for residual nitrogen on Manitoba farmland by 2008 and
a 16 per cent reduction in average water erosion rates on Manitoba farmland (in Oborne
2005). Additionally, the provincial Department of Water Stewardship cites a target of a 10 per
cent reduction in Manitoba-based nutrient loads to Lake Winnipeg by 2010 (in Oborne 2005).
A sampling of some specific policy instruments directed at the pressure of agriculture
discharges and the state of nutrient concentrations in Lake Winnipeg include (Oborne
? Water export/interbasin transfers banned (regulatory instrument).
? Seventeen conservation districts established since 1970 (expenditure instrument).
? Riparian Tax Credit established (economic instrument).
? Land and Water diploma programme at Assiniboine Community College (expenditure
? Several watershed plans in development (institutional instrument).
? Nutrient Management Strategy completed (institutional instrument).
90 Integrated Analysis of Environmental Trends and Policies