Page 94 - Module_5_en
P. 94

Module           Figure 26a
       5           Decision                                    Brief title

                                                               Prohibition of dredging clay and cutting Mangrove
                   Governmental Decree dated 24 May 1941
            9-12 December, 2013  Law no. 3 of 1975             trees  in the area situated between Maqta Tubli and
                                                               Radm al-Qawari

                                                               Prohibition of dumping waste on beaches, streets,
                                                               and/or public and private places

                                                               Prohibition of dumping waste on beaches, streets,
                   Law no. 16 of 1989
                                                               and/or public and private places
                                                               Limiting the transport of construction and demolition
                   Municipal decree no. 5 of 1990
                   Cabinet Decree dated 16 April 1995          Banning all landfilling activities in Tubli Bay and
                                                               declaring it a natural reserve

                   The Central Municipal Authority decree no 15 of   Banning landfilling and construction in Tubli Bay
                   Law no. 2 of 1995                           Protection of Wild Life

                   Law No. 21 of 1996                          On the Environment
                   Ministerial decree no. 10 of 1999           On environmental standards (air and water)

                   Royal Decree No. 19 of 2002                 Prohibiting landfilling, discharging, and ownership in
                                                               Tubli Bay

                   Law no. 20 of 2002                          Management of fishing and the exploitation of marine
                                                               resources, and the protection of marine wealth

                   Wasta Municipal Council decree no. 94 dated   Banning landfilling and construction in the Tubli Bay as
                   January 2004                                well as landfilling in other coastal areas and the Bahir
                                                               zone till the end of 2006

                   Metropolitan Municipal Council decree no. 2 dated   Banning all new landfilling permits in Tubli Bay
                   December 2004

                   Law 20 of 2006                              On the protection of coasts, beaches, and marine

                   Law no 53 of 2006                           declaring Tubli Bay a natural reserve
                   Cabinet decision dated 2007                 Unclogging channel in the southern outlets of Tubli

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