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Module     Step 1: Drivers, Pressure, State and Trends

                  What is happening to the environment and why?

                  Step one of the DPSIR addresses the question of what is happening to the environment, why these
                  changes are happening and the trends associated therewith (see UNEP, 2007). The following are simple
                  climate change-related examples for the components in the first step:

                      Drivers (e.g., industrial activities, farming, landfill sites, consumption patterns)
            9-12 December, 2013       ?   ?  Pressures (e.g., urbanization, changes in agricultural production, increased CO2 emissions)

                      State (and effects/trends) (e.g., more drought and/or flooding)

                        Figure 4
                                    Linking DPSIR and vulnerability assessment

                             HUMAN SOCIETY
                                                   Indirect influence through human
                                                   development                   IMPACTS     Step 2
                           PRESSURES               Population growth, industrial processes,   Human well-being
                           Direct influence through human   energy demands       Crop losses, less water for people,
                           interventions                               Step 1    irrigation and livestock, increased
                                                                                 number of sick and mortality
                                                                                 of people and livestock, famine,
                           Urbanization, shifting to cash crops,
                           increasing costs of health care,   RESPONSES  Step 3
                           increasing levels of GHGs  Mitigation and adaptation Adapting by   Economic,   Ecosystem Services
                                                                                 social Goods &
                                                                                          Changes in
                                                   building dykes, increasing irrigation, changing   Services  vegetation, fish,
                                                   planted species and mitigating climate change   Wild products,   and migatory birds
                                                   by reducing GHGs, increasing renewable   wood availability,   population, pest
                                                   energy, energy efficiency     flood protection   outbreaks
                           Soil infiltration, stability, structure               capacity
                           Evapotranspiration cycles Natural
                                                   STATE AND TRENDS
                                       Step 1      Water, land, atmosphere, biodiversity
                                                   Increased occurrence of cyclones, drought, floods, changes in
                                                   precipitation patterns, increase occurrence of pests
                              ENVIRONMENT                                      Step 1

                    24       Volume Two - Themes
                             Vulnerability and Impact assessments for Adaption to Climate Change (VIA Module)
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31