Page 51 - Module_9_en
P. 51

BOX 11     The example of linking climatic impacts and identified adaptations in     Module
                                    regions of Ghana for different regions and drivers and pressures

                        Zonet           Climate impacts           Adaptation responses
                        Northern            ? Increased morbidity and     ? Strengthening traditional social security
                        Savannah           disease prevalence        support systems
                                            ? Increased vulnerability of     ? Strengthening public healthcare delivery
                                           the poor                   ? Targeted social transfers and safety nets
                                            ? Increased out-migration loss     ? Increased investment in urban social   Abu Dhabi, UAE
                                           of human capital          services

                        Transition          ? Increased demand - water,     ? Public-private partnership in service
                                           energy and basic services  provisions
                                            ? Decreased income for     ? Development of early warning systems
                                           people in fish industry   and awareness-raising
                                            ? Increased out-migration    ? Promotion of conflict management
                                            ? Increased food insecurity  mechanisms
                                            ? Threats to forest-based     ? Provision of social safety nets for
                                           livelihood                communities and migrants
                                            ? Potential conflicts and social     ? Development of alternative and
                                           tensions                  additional livelihood

                        Forest              ? Decreased food security    ? Improvement of social services to poor
                                            ? Dried up water bodies and   people
                                           underground water          ? Provision of small-scale irrigation
                                            ? Pressure on land        ? Security of tenure
                                                                      ? Community-based land administration

                        Coastal Savannah    ? Decreased water availability  ? Recycling and total rain water harvesting
                                           and quality                ? Improvement in formal and informal
                                            ? Higher burden on women  safety nets
                                            ? Increased migration     ? Social protection for immigrants
                                            ? Increased cholera       ? Economic diversification in secondary
                                                                      ? Increased accessibility of health care
                                                                      ? Education and awareness-raising - health

                                                                        Source: Bizikova and Bailey, 2009 (modified)

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