Page 53 - Module_9_en
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Sector Options/adaptation strategy The General policy
Human health ? Adoption of Public ? Adoption of public health policies that
health national action acknowledge climate risks,
plans, emergency medical ? Promoting health services and increasing
services, opening of “cooling investments in this domain,
centres” in public places ? Boosting governmental, regional and
? Monitoring and controlling international cooperation.
climatic problems, securing
safe water and improving
sanitation facilities, realizing Abu Dhabi, UAE
better governmental and
regional coordination.
Urban transport ? Developing an ? Integrating climate change concerns into
environment-friendly the urban transport policy, promoting
transport system and research and development investments,
energy-efficient vehicles ? Securing incentives for the car industry
? Vehicles’ assembly, effective through the efficient use of energy
system for public transport,
? Developing new designs,
criteria and schemes for
roads and railways in urban
? Fuel replacement to
address global warming.
Energy ? Promoting general ? Adoption of sustainable energy policies
expenditures, transport in urban areas, management regulations,
and distribution lines, financial incentives to encourage the use
establishing land cables for of the green energy
public utilities, ? Integrating the climate change
? Increasing energy efficiency phenomenon into design laws and
and focusing on renewable criteria.
Types of adaptation actions
When identifying adaptation options, we often think about infrastructure development, for example,
building dykes, flood-resistant road and dams. Adaptation measures, however, should also consider
options that help improve ecosystem resilience and building capacities, change governance systems,
training and skill development. Ecosystem-based adaptations are those that help to preserve and
restore natural ecosystems that can provide cost-effective protection against some of the threats that
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