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Module     result from climate  change. For example, coastal  ecosystems like wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs,
                  oyster reefs and barrier beaches all provide natural shoreline protection from storms and flooding
                  in addition to their many other services (Munang et al., 2009). By making ecosystems more resilient,
                  ecosystem services (e.g., fish stocks, fuel, clean water) on which vulnerable communities depend for
                  their subsistence and livelihoods are maintained (Hale, et al., 2009). Finally, it is also important to identify

                  measures  that  are  focused  on capacity-development;  for  example,  helping  communities learn new
                  farming practices, use of technologies and develop new processing, marketing and vocational skills, to
            9-12 December, 2013  integrating climate change into day-to-day planning.
                  assist extension agencies in using early warning systems and forecasts, and assist government officials in

                                    Examples of different types adaptation measures, including ecosystems-
                        Table 5
                                    based, infrastructure and capacity-development measures, to address
                                    impacts in agriculture, water resource management and local economy

                   Infrastructure and   Ecosystem-based    Governance, training and capacity development
                   changes in practices  measures

                      ? Building grain silos    ? Promoting     ? Sustainable water management
                      ? Improved         sustainable          ? Farmers education - water harvesting and contour
                     post-harvest        agriculture,        farming
                     technologies        organic farming      ? Training centres and microfinance to develop skills for
                     such as setting     and appropriate     non-farming off-season activities
                     up small-scale      technology to reduce     ? Vocational training - especially for youth, in places with
                     agro-processing     degradation         high in-migration; and creation of markets and training
                     industries to utilize     ? Erosion control by   in other sector skills including hairdressing, sewing,
                     farm products       encouraging contour   carpentry
                      ? Building small and   farming and water     ? Developing agricultural extension services
                     medium dams         storing
                      ? Building flood-    ? Restoring vegetation
                     resistant roads to   around river beds to
                     ensure market       limit flooding

                       Source: Bizikova and Bailey, 2009 (modified)

                  When developing adaptation responses to climate change, immediate short-term responses may not be
                  the ones that could protect us from progressive changes in climate. On the contrary, they could make us
                  even more vulnerable. There are trade-offs between short- and long-term adaptation measures, between

                    52       Volume Two - Themes
                             Vulnerability and Impact assessments for Adaption to Climate Change (VIA Module)
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