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Category Climate-related stress Description of the criteria
Opportunity ? Window of opportunity Identify if there is currently a window of
opportunity to implement this measure
Implementation ? Public acceptability Elaborate on public support or opposition to
this measure
? Funding sources Identify availability and sources of potential
funding Abu Dhabi, UAE
? Capacity (information, Estimate if current capacity is sufficient and, if
technical, staff, resources) not, what are lacking capacity gaps
? Institutional Identify if implementation is within local
control or it requires coordination with or
action by, other jurisdictions
The criteria provides a framework for the types of questions that should be considered when evaluating
adaptation options, and can be customized for local use. For example, other criteria could be added
such as “political leadership” and “political context.” It is also important to bear in mind that, rather than
identifying one best option, the goal is to develop a “portfolio” of options that can be implemented in
shorter- and longer-time scales. This type of evaluation system can be used to think through various
options, filtering out more desirable measures that can then be considered in greater detail. It can also
help to identify what additional information is needed before a decision is possible.
Water resource management strategies in response to climate change in
BOX 15
South Africa: Specific focus on municipal water in arid regions
South Africa is a water-stressed country with an average annual rainfall of 500 mm (60 per
cent of the world average). Only a narrow region along the south-eastern coastline receives
good rainfall, while the greater part of the interior and western part of the country is arid
or semi-arid. Sixty-five per cent of the country receives less than 500 mm per year, which is
usually regarded as the minimum for dryland farming.
IEA Training Manual Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) 57