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* IEA process leaders requesting, and securing, meetings with target actors. Module
? Seeking and processing information 3
* Targets seeking information from others to “triangulate” or verify information they are receiving
through the IEA process.
* Media reporting messages from target actors that are consistent with IEA process messages.
? Acting
* Issuing of new policy briefs, white papers, frameworks, regulations, other responses. Abu Dhabi, UAE
? Demanding
* More work from IEA process leaders (e.g., follow-up investigations, more in depth assessments).
These and other indicators are discussed in more detail in Module 8 on monitoring and evaluation.
There, you will see how monitoring the impact strategy will fit into the overall monitoring process.
1. What indicates that the assessment findings and recommendations are influencing your
key actors?
2. What are some ways to keep track of your performance on the strategy?
3.3 Case Studies of Assessments
Despite the lack of concrete examples, it is possible to look at particular assessment processes that
have had some impact success, which can provide the participants from the Region pointers for the
development of an impact strategy. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Reports provides such
an example. In West Asia countries, most of the environmental institutions are legally mandated to
IEA Training Manual Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) 25