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Module ? A procedure to invite academies of sciences and scientific organizations was established whereby
3 these entities supported the MA in the identification of scientists and the dissemination of
The process of sub-global assessments was in itself another mechanism to connect the MA to local,
national and regional processes.
9-12 December, 2013 Communication (outreach)
To raise the level of awareness about the MA and, to elaborate its basic concepts and improve the
understanding of what it was and how to use it.
Convey the key messages resulting from the findings of the MA reports to targeted audiences and
Integrate assessments at the sub-global and regional levels; and
? the general public at large.
? Training at the affiliated institutions to undertake sub-global and regional assessments were
The engagement and outreach team of the MA saw its communication activities as an instrument not
just to reach out and convey an image of the MA but also as a mechanism to enhance the ownership
over the MA and improve the ability of third parties to understand and make better use of it. This
was highly beneficial when the main media outreach effort came through, generating materials to
support outreach by third parties. These materials were shared through the intranet, but also through
an ‘Outreach Kit’ distributed on CD-ROM. This Kit contained a collection of elements developed by
the MA, including:
1. Guidance on how to explain the MA to the uninitiated;
2. Guidance on how to develop a communications strategy
3. Graphic elements (posters, maps, logos, photographs, videos);
4. PowerPoint Presentations
Step 5: Monitoring, evaluation and improvement
From the beginning, the MA engagement and outreach team was concerned with the question of
success. Monitoring and evaluation were essential components to measure and establish whether their
efforts were successful in supporting the goals of the assessment. Some of the items that were discussed:
? ‘Government buy-in’? Expressed how? Through resolutions from international bureaucracies?
Is this an indicator of the effective use of the information or a tactic to protect the process?
Government involvement, however, was very effective in attracting leading scientists.
28 Developing an Impact Strategy for your IEA