Page 109 - Module_5_en
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Figure 30a. Comparing 5
trend of CO emissions in
UAE and other selected
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Due to better technology and transition to more natural gas in power plants, emissions of CO2
per capita have decreased. In 1990 the UAE emitted 32,6 tonnes CO per person per year. In
2002 the figure had dropped to 25,1 tonnes per person per year, leaving UAE as number 4 on
the top emitter per capita global ranking list.
The UAE ratified the Kyoto Protocol in January 2005. According to the protocol UAE, as
a non Annex 1 country, is not obligated to reduce its emissions. Nevertheless Abu Dhabi
Emirate has been taken several steps to reduce emitting of GHG such as:
Reduced flaring of natural gas
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has zero-flaring as a strategic objective. Flaring
involves burning off waste gas or oil during testing or production processes. From 1995 to
2004 flaring from oil and gas production was reduced by 71 (from approximately 7,5 million
cubic meter per day to 2,5 million cubic meter per day).
Shift to natural gas
The UAE has started to adopt zero emission flaring technologies, and there is a transition to
natural gas in power- and desalination plants to curb emission of greenhouse gases.
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