Page 4 - Module_6_en
P. 4

       6                Table of Contents

                         List of Acronyms                                                       3
            9-12 December, 2013  Course Materials                                               6

                         1. Introduction and learning objectives
                         2. What is a scenario?
                         3. A very short history of scenario development

                         4. Examples of scenario exercises                                      10
                         4.1 Short-term country scenarios - Mont Fleur                          10

                         4.2 Medium-term regional and global scenarios - The UNEP GEO-3/GEO-4   14

                         4.3 Long term global scenarios - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change   20
                         5. The purpose, process and substance of scenarios and scenario exercises  22

                         6. Policy analysis                                                     25
                         7. Developing scenarios - A complete process                           30

                         7.1 Clarifying the purpose and structure of the scenario exercise      34
                         7.2 Laying the foundation for the scenarios                            42

                         7.3 Developing and testing the actual scenarios                        50
                         7.4 Communication and outreach                                         55

                         References                                                             56

                      2      Scenario Development and Analysis
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9