Page 27 - Module_8_en
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Table 3    Possible Measures for Effective Knowledge Management                      Module

                   Key Question     Possible Measures                     Possible Targets
                   Is the information     ? Views of decision-makers on what they   Responses from at least five decision-
                   and analysis salient   feel/think the key issues are.  makers.
                   for decision-       ? The types and forms of information                                        Abu Dhabi, UAE
                   makers?             decision makers require have been made

                   Is the information     ? Peer reviewers have been identified.  Responses received from at least three
                   and analysis        ? Data and analysis have been peer   peer reviewers.
                   credible?           reviewed.

                   Is the information     ? Stakeholder analysis has been carried out.  Stakeholder analysis completed.
                   and analysis        ? Relevant stakeholder groups have   Participation from as many stakeholder
                   produced            participated in identification of priority   groups as possible.
                   legitimate?         environmental issues.
                                       ? Relevant stakeholder groups have had an   Comments received from most
                                                                          stakeholder groups identified.
                                       opportunity to comment on the findings
                                       of the analysis.

                       Discussion Questions

                       1.  Can you think of important measures of effective knowledge management that are not
                           identified in the table above?

                       2.   Which measures do you feel are the most important?

                          IEA Training Manual   Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT)   25
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