Page 118 - Module_5_en
P. 118

Module     3. Step C: Policy Instrument Scan

                                    Restoring/enhancing the environment: driving forces, pressures
                        Table 4a
                                    and state

            9-12 December, 2013  Category and issue  Policies for Restoring/Enhancing the Environment and Mitigat- Criteria

                                         ing Impacts
                                         National Population Policy
                   Driving force:
                   Population growth rates
                                         RD29/2001, the Statistical Law

                                         MD193/2001, Wadi Ma’awil wellfield protection zones
                   Anthropogenic activities   Birth spreading program                     Principles
                   (Agricultural & Municipal)
                   Economic development
                   Urbanization expansion

                   Frequent drought      Water demand management policies, MD13/95        Principles
                   periods               Registration of existing wells, new well permits and
                                         Organisation of wells and aflaj

                   Inefficient and Inadequate  RD82/88, Water Resources as a National Treasure  Principles
                   institutional capacity in   RD29/2000, Law on protection of water resources  Principles
                   waste management      RD115/2001, Law on protection of sources of potable   Principles
                                         water from pollution
                                         RD47/2001, Combining MWR with MRMEWR             Principles
                                         RD114/2001, Law on conservation of the environment and  Principles
                                         prevention of pollution

                   Pressure:             MD421/1998, Regulations for septic tanks, soak-away pits   Principles
                   Increase solid and liquid   and holding tanks
                   waste discharge       MD18/1993, Regulations for hazardous waste management. Principles
                                         MD17/1993, Management of Non Hazardous Waste     Principles
                                         MD145/1993, Management of wastewater reuse and   Principles
                                         MD200/2000, Regulations for crushers, quarries and   Principles
                                         removal of sand from shores, beaches and wadis

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