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                       Table 2: Indicators

                                              Element                               Indicators                5
                   Impact        ? Citizen migration and social conflicts    ? Satellite image
                                 ? Expected threats to ecosystems and habitats    ? % Urban /% Rural
                                 ? Lost the recreational value of water and eco-    ? % of saline water/ % of fresh water
                                 ? Expected social transformation from rural to
                                urban city                                                                         Abu Dhabi, UAE
                                 ? Sea water Intrusion and Salinization

                   Response      ? Increase STP capacity                  ? % of previous capacity/ % of new
                                 ? Site studies                          capacity
                                 ? Public awareness                       ? No. of site studies
                                 ? Introduce modern irrigation practices    ? Number of water awareness activities
                                 ? Desalination plant installation       per year
                                 ? Improve environmental policies and regulations    ? % of farms used modern irrigation
                                 ? Introduce water metering               ? Desalination production
                                 ? Weakness in environmental monitoring    ? No. of modified regulations related to
                                                                         GW protection
                                                                          ? % of metered farms
                                                                          ? No. of Tertiary monitoring (Pollution

                   2. Step B: Policy Commitment

                         Table 3    Policy Commitment

                   Issue                  Goal and Target     Strategy or Action Plan  Status of Implementation
                   State: Groundwater     Omani Standards for   National Groundwater   Some policy instruments
                   quality deterioration  Water Use           Protection Master Plan  being implemented, but still
                                                                                    illegal waste discharge happen

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