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P. 115
Steps in the Analysis of Existing Policies Module
1. Step A: Understanding the Issue
Table 1 DPSIR
Abu Dhabi, UAE
DPSIR Framework
Population growth rates DPSIR Framework Increase STP capacity
Site studies
Anthropogenic activities Increase STP capacity
Population growth
rates Site studies
Public awareness
(Agricultural & Municipal) Partial control Responses Public awareness
Increasing water demands Drivers Introduce modern
Introduce modern irrigation
(Agricultural &
irrigation practices
Desalination plant
Economic development Effectiveness installation
Increasing water
Improve environmental
Desalination plant installation
Economic development
Urbanization expansion policies and regulations
Urbanization expansion
Introduce water metering
Improve environmental policies
Frequent drought
Frequent drought periods Weakness in
environmental monitoring
Inefficient and
Inefficient and Inadequate and regulations
institutional capacity in Introduce water metering
institutional capacity in
Increase solid and liquid
waste management
waste management Pressures Weakness in environmental
waste discharge
Increasing demands
GW over--exploitation
Reduction in groundwater
Increase solid and liquid Reduced the quantity of
Poor environmental
waste discharge Impact freshwater and getting
practices in waste
Increasing demands alternative source with higher
Poor landfill design
Low STP capacity cost and not sustainable
GW over-exploitation
Lack of environmental
regulation enforcement
Reduction in groundwater State Expected health effect to human
recharge and livestock
Poor environmental Groundwater deterioration (quality and quantity) High groundwater and soil
treatment cost
practices in waste Groundwater deterioration (quality and quantity)
management Land degradation and reduced
income from crops
Poor landfill design
Low STP capacity Reduced properties/farms value
Lack of environmental Citizen migration and social
regulation enforcement conflicts
Expected threats to ecosystems
and habitats
Lost the recreational value of
water and eco-tourism.
Expected social transformation
from rural to urban city
Sea water Intrusion and
IEA Training Manual Workshop for the National Reporting Toolkit (NRT) 113