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                       Table 4a: Restoring/enhancing the environment: driving forces, pressures and state

                    Category and issue    Policies for Restoring/Enhancing the Environment and Mitigat- Criteria  5
                                          ing Impacts
                    Increasing demands    MD13/95, Registration of existing wells, new well permits   Principles
                    GW over-exploitation  and Organisation of wells and aflaj
                    Reduction in          Public awareness                                Principles
                    groundwater recharge
                                          Introduce modern irrigation practices           Principles
                                          Desalination plant installation                 Principles               Abu Dhabi, UAE
                                          Introduce water metering                        Benchmarks

                    Poor environmental    Improve environmental policies and regulations  Principles
                    practices in waste
                    Poor landfill design

                    Low STP capacity      Increasing STP capacity

                    Lack of environmental
                    regulation enforcement

                    State: Groundwater
                    deterioration (quality and

                         Table 4b   Helping society adapt to impacts

                    Category and issue      Policies for facilitating adaptation to impacts       Criteria
                    Reduced the quantity of   RD82/88, Water Resources as a National Treasure
                    freshwater and getting   RD29/2000, Law on protection of water resources
                    alternative source with   RD115/2001, Law on protection of sources of potable water from
                    higher cost and not     pollution
                                            RD114/2001, Law on conservation of the environment and
                                            prevention of pollution

                    Expected health effect to   MD421/1998, Regulations for septic tanks, soak-away pits and
                    human and livestock     holding tanks
                                            MD18/1993, Regulations for hazardous waste management.
                                            MD17/1993, Management of Non Hazardous Waste
                                            MD145/1993, Management of wastewater reuse and discharge

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