Page 116 - Module_5_en
P. 116
Module Table 2 Indicators
? Population growth rates
? demography
Driver Element Indicators
9-12 December, 2013 ? Economic development ? GDP per capita
? Anthropogenic activities (Agricultural ? Cropped area and no. of activities
& Municipal)
? Satellite image
? Urbanization expansion
? Drought Frequency
? Frequent drought periods
? Number of water-related institutions responsible
of water resources (surface water, groundwater,
? Inefficient and Inadequate institutional
capacity in waste management
desalination, wastewater)
Existence of national apex body (e.g., higher council for
water resources)
Existence of national water resources policies based
on IWRM principles
Pressure ? Increase solid and liquid waste ? Liquid and solid waste received to Landfill/STP per
discharge capita
? Increasing demands ? Water use as % of total water demands
? GW over-exploitation ? Groundwater use/groundwater recharge (or safe/
? Reduction in groundwater recharge operational yield)
? Poor environmental practices in ? Groundwater recharge
waste management ? Research, Compared to standard waste
? Poor landfill design management practices
? Low STP capacity ? Standard design
? Lack of environmental regulation ? % of solid waste/ % of treated waste
enforcement ? Existence of national water resources policies based
on IWRM principles
State Groundwater deterioration (quality and - % of valid samples passing DWQ standards
quantity) Groundwater use/groundwater recharge (or safe/opera-
tional yield)
Impact ? Reduced the quantity of freshwater ? % of valid samples passing DWQ standards
and getting alternative source with ? Incidence of outbreaks per year, Morbidity
higher cost and not sustainable (diarrhea)
? Expected health effect to human and ? Water treatment equipment cost
livestock ? Satellite image
? High groundwater and soil treatment ? Market price
? Land degradation and reduced ? % Urban /% Rural
income from crops ? Existence of minimum basic water requirement for
? Reduced properties/farms value ecosystem
114 Integrated Analysis of Environmental Trends and Policies