Page 31 - Module_7_en
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The possibility to make links is strength of web-based publications. This allows combining different parts   Module
                   of an assessment in contrast to having to follow a linear path in a printed publication.

                   If you choose to produce a web report but an important portion of your audience has poor web   7
                   access, you can chose to also distribute on a CD-ROM. The navigation of a CD-ROM should resemble
                   that of your web page, so people will find it easy to use. Before you start production of a CD-ROM,
                                                                                                                   Abu Dhabi, UAE
                   consider if your target audience will find this to be a useful format. For example, a CDROM might be
                   of greater use for schools, than for the general public.

                         BOX 6      Formats for electronic documents.

                       PDF. PDF stands for Portable Document Format, and has become  a widely-used way
                       of publishing electronic documents. PDF is probably the best  way to transfer and view
                       documents on the web or through e-mail. Once you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed
                       (which is already in most recent computers) all you need to do is click on the PDF file and
                       it automatically opens. If Acrobat Reader is not already installed, it can be downloaded free
                       from the web ( However, creating a
                       PDF file requires Acrobat Professional, which must be purchased.

                       HTML. Hypertext  Markup  Language  is the  coding  language  used to  create  hypertext
                       documents for the web. In HTML, a block of text can be surrounded with electronic “tags”
                       that indicate how it will appear on a computer screen (e.g., bold face or italics). Also, in HTML
                       a word, a block of text, or an image can be linked to another file on the Web. HTML files are
                       viewed with a web browser.

                       RSS. Rich Site Summary and RDF (Resource Description Framework) are web technologies
                       that make it easy to automatically share content, such as news items, among different web
                       sites. A web site can allow other sites to publish some of its content by creating an RSS
                       document, and registering the document with an RSS publisher. A web publisher can post a
                       link to the RSS feed so users can read the distributed content on his/her site.

                       WEBLOG (BLOG). This is a publicly accessible personal journal created by an individual, and
                       shared over the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging,” and someone who keeps
                       a blog is a “blogger.” Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with
                       little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Postings on a blog almost

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